
In addition to the core pages of this website, here are a number of secondary pages as additional information that has proven useful to my clients.  Some are crucial to the safety of your actors and some are just for good general knowledge. And don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel.

Care and handling of the sword:

Just some basic points for keeping your sword healthy.

On the use of combat swords:

Swords break with use. Here are some tips to keep damage to both weapon and actor to a minimum.

Parry names in Stage Combat (and why you shouldn’t use them!)

A YouTube video explaining the French terms for the fencing parries, and a better way to notate a sword fight.

What about “non-guns”?

You keep hearing about them. What are they?

Stage Slap

And why the contact face slap should be banned.

What about “cap-guns”?

Some directors insist that they want caps rather than blanks. What’s the difference?