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To learn more about rental and sale items, just select a topic below or use the menu to the left. Here is an overview of the major groupings of items to get you started.


  • Swords : dueling swords, rapiers, scimitars
  • Daggers : poniard bladed, for rapier and dagger fighting
  • Firearms : pistols, rifles, revolvers, muskets, shotguns, submachine guns
  • Leather Goods  : holsters, belts, frogs and gloves
  • Odds & Ends : shackles, hooks, a shield, some swords and more
  • Last Chance $uper $ales : items that simply must go – NOW. Selling at pennies to the dollar!!

And, yes, it’s true. I am getting close to retirement. But that is wonderful news for you! In these pages you’ll find incredible deals on weapon props. Everything in the rental stock must go, and you can take advantage of ridiculously low prices. When these are gone, that’s it! So stock up your props cabinet now on these once-in-a-lifetime values.

You will never again be able to purchase weapon props at such fantastically low prices!

About Rental Items

The rental price shown by each item covers up to the first 30 days of rental, counting backwards from closing night. So whether you need to have it for one hour or one month, the price is the same. (Be sure and let me know if the item needs to be fight-worthy or is going to be dropped.)

be sure to read the conditions of rentalordering

and you might want to know about the …rental prices

Need it for longer than 30 days?

After the first 30, I only charge per additional day to closing night – not an entire second month. And I don’t charge for the time in transit – only for the time in your hands.

Need it for fewer than 30 days?

Sorry, but whether you need it for one month or only one hour, the initial rental fee is the same.
I do this because I know that if I set reduced prices on shorter rental periods, actors won’t get the props into their hands until just before opening, and that just isn’t safe. So order early. (Anyway, my monthly rates are cheaper than most places’ weekly rates.)

“Should I rent or should I buy?”

A very rough rule of thumb is you should buy an item at full price if you believe you might use it for three different shows during the next ten years.
“Only three times?” Well, yes, because you also have to consider the back and forth shipping costs with rentals, and that really adds up.

(but take a close look at the sales prices in this website. As I sell off my stock, many items are selling for lower than the rental price from any other supplier!)

Rental items are used items. That means that other actors have handled them before. And you know what that means.

They have been dropped, mistreated, and broken – battered, shattered, and tattered – used, chewed, and abused. All have been repaired many times over and usually show it. No pristine models available from the rental stock.

When you rent, you are agreeing to certain things. Find out what they are by reading the terms and conditions.

About Sale Items

Swords and daggers developed specifically for the rigors of stage combat.

As you may know, Weapons of Choice has provided fight worthy weapons for stage since 1990. In that time we have purchased hundreds of thousands of weapons from a score of manufacturers, and I’ve have choreographed over 350 shows myself. So we learned a thing or two about replica weapons along the way. For over thirty years Weapons of Choice was known as the premier provider of combat weapons designed for the realities of stage combat classes, but still look great for main stage productions. And only Weapons of Choice created a full line of stage safe blank-firing replicas.

“Can I buy used items from the rental stock?”

Yes. In fact, almost everything in my rental stock is now available for purchase at HUGE savings. Make no mistake – these are the best deals you will ever see. ACT FAST! The stock is running low, and when they are gone, they’re gone for good.

The only exceptions are for the swords that we still make from scratch. So for now most of the epee-bladed rapiers are only available to purchase as new, not used items.

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